To Bonsai
What does it mean “To Bonsai”?
Well, “to Bonsai” has many meanings for us, but let’s tell you about the driving force behind why we thought Bonsai was the best suited name for our company and our mission. In the world of hospitality, large scale hotel and motel chains dominate the accommodation landscape and offer their customers a room for their stay. In many cases, these brands offer the same rooms throughout the world, which may lack local flavor. This makes hotels recognizable and helps their guests know what to expect, no matter where they are in the world. The short-term rental market is quite the opposite. In many cases, it tries to hit you with whatever that culture or city has to offer (sometimes too much), but yet it can sometimes lack the basics that we all long for in an accommodation.

Short-term Rental

Hotel Room
That’s what makes this industry so exciting and appealing and why we think Bonsai can create a huge and lasting impact on it. We aim to bridge the gap between what makes short term rentals so great and what makes hotels so appealing. Short term rentals have so much more to offer in terms of a local experience, and let’s be honest, that’s why we all chose to travel. They can offer their customers a curated experience of that city and culture while keeping some of the things that make hotels great. This is the gap we long to fill in the market and we hope that like a Bonsai, we can create unique and different experiences in different parts of the world while keeping the basics standardized and offer good quality at an affordable price. We hope you join us on this mission to reinvigorate this industry and bring new ideas and ways of doing things. Help us “to Bonsai” every short term rental worldwide!
Bonsai Shop
Queen Starter Pack

Bonsai Shop
Double Starter Pack

Bonsai Shop
Twin Starter Pack